Which Sells Best: Loose or Packaged Wool Balls?

This depends on what type of store you have and whether your customers are shopping for themselves or for someone else.
Here’s what our partners tell us:
Zero-waste, Refillery and Artisanal Soap Stores prefer unpackaged wool dryer balls.
Farm and General Stores will often display our wool balls in bulk like fruits and vegetables in an apple basket or similar display (see our options). Allowing customers to touch and choose their own wool balls often results in buying a few extras to share with family and friends.
Gift & Specialty stores love our “Barn Box” set of 3 wool dryer balls as it is easy to merchandise. plus they are a useful and affordable gift.
Natural Health stores will often sell both loose and packaged. They’ll merchandise the Barn Boxes in the natural laundry section and display loose balls beside essential oils for add-on sales.
We also sell empty Barn Boxes to display with loose wool balls so your customers can pick their own balls — as well as purchase a Barn Box to turn it into a gift set.
TIP: If your POS system can manage it, consider offering bulk discounts for customers buying by the dozen (or a baker's dozen).
Why Carry All Three Colours?
We discovered in our early days selling at Craft and Farmer’s markets, that everyone has their own preference. When given a choice, grey was usually most popular by a thread.
We also found that many people prefer mixing the 3 colours. When asked why, one person said they liked the aesthetic of watching all 3 colours tumble in the dryer.
FUN FACT: In the personal care business, when people are given a choice of 3 scents, they’re 75% more likely to make a purchase than when they’re presented only one choice. We think the same holds true for wool dryer balls.
The Power of the Lambs
Studies show that when our lambs — Rupert & Flopsie — shepherding a flock of wool dryer balls, sales will increase three-fold!
Kidding aside, displaying a lamb with your wool balls draws attention and sparks conversation about wool dryer balls — and that does often result in a sale.
Ideas for Promoting Wool Balls and Contests

Wool dryer balls are a relatively new innovation that many people are still unaware of. It's the perfect product to build a promotion around to highlight the benefits and promote sustainable laundry solutions.
- Name Your Lamb Facebook Contest: Promote Moss Creek Wool Works in your store plus generate high engagement. Credit for this idea goes to Gaspe Bay, PQ retailer Mini - ma liste, who created this contest in her store.
View her launch video See the draw for the Winner
- GWP & Bundles: Create gift sets combining Wool Balls and Essentials Oils at a special price or offer a free essential oil with the purchase of 2 or 3 Barn Boxes.
- Offer a Baker's Dozen Special: Create a deal when buying a dozen wool balls: 13 for the price of 12.